A year on...


I cannot believe I have not written a new blog piece in a couple of months!! Well, actually, I can believe it as it has been a busy Summer here with our son's graduation, our silver wedding anniversary party and having visitors as well as completing various small projects on the smallholding and tending the garden, by now in full growing mode with generous offerings of fruit and vegetables that need harvesting and preserving for later.

At the end of July, we also celebrated our first anniversary of living here. These last 12 months have gone incredibly fast and yet we can barely remember what life was like before! Peter and I have taken to living here like ducks to water and our new lifestyle suits us very well. Did we know that before we embarked on this project? Not consciously, but deep down within us, we knew!

In a year, we have achieved a tremendous amount and we are well on the way to making the smallholding what we want it to be, to put our mark on it and make it work for us, both for now and the future. Between us, we have tidied, repaired, demolished, re-constructed, removed and added... we have sewn, furnished and decorated... we have sown, planted, pruned and harvested... we have kept sheep, shorn sheep and learned about lambing... we have learnt about the birds and wildlife around us... It is so good to reflect on this now as we celebrate our first year here. When things are challenging, when the weather is against us, when things are not working, plants not growing (because the slugs have them all!), life can feel such a struggle! We certainly have experienced challenges during our 12 months here! We have also expanded our lives with new friends, new skills and new experiences, all things that are important to us and that bring much fulfilment and joy to our lives.

Here is to our first year on our smallholding and here is to the various plans and projects that are beginning to emerge and take shape for the future!
