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I sometimes make ratatouille on the hob but this recipe uses the oven. Roasting the vegetables in the oven, I find, makes the most flavoursome dish that I like serving with either plain boiled rice or as a topping for jacket potatoes. It also goes perfectly with fish. When the vegs are in season and abundant in the garden (I don't always use aubergines as I have not yet grown them successfully), I make batches of ratatouille which I bottle and story in the pantry for later.

INGREDIENTS: - 2 medium courgettes, diced with skin on - 1 small aubergine, …

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Green Tomato Jam

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My mum used to make green tomato jam to use up unripe tomatoes at the end of the season. I find that adding ginger and vanilla makes this jam very tasty. It is particularly delicious with porridge and Greek yoghurt but also simply on bread and butter or toast.


2 kg green tomatoes - 1 kg of caster sugar - 1 vanilla pod - a 5cm chunk of fresh ginger, peeled - juice of 1 lemon


Cut the tomatoes and remove the seeds if desired. Chop them into small pieces then weigh them. You will need half that …

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